Originally published at tblog.com; The Auction Board is in the process of migrating its blog.
Great Shipping Debate
digitalproducts: as a seller, I dont see why we can't charge for shipping and handling. if we have to take the time to package a product and drive it to the post office we should be able to charge extra for it. all companies do it. i decide how much my time is worth.
jvs458: WHat about customer service? You don't have to drive to the post office. you can just leave it out for the mail carrier to pick it up when he delivers your mail. save your customers a few dollars. if your worried about someone taking it, leave a note for your mail carrier so they know you have a package that needs to go out. i think it's wrong to make $3 profit off of shipping fees.
Geenius: I myself don't do it, but if a seller wants to make a profit off of shipping, that's his choice. This is America, and that's free enterprise. If you don't want to pay that much shipping, YOU have the freedom to purchase it somewhere else. I normally don't overcharge for shipping, but if I am selling something expensive, I might want to make a few extra dollars for the extra caution I have to take while shipping the item. That's the seller's choice. Just ask about shipping before you place a bid on something or commit to buying it.
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Charging for Shipping & Handling